On the following page you will find the pages links to the book "Your Money And The Federal Reserve System" produced by the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Minnesota.  This book is so old that we can only determine its approximate year of publication by some of the items that we see there, such as the reference to both Alaska and Hawaii as states, and the two cars on page 18, which appear to be late 1950's.  This was probably published about 1959 or 1960.

And in this book you will discover some information that has been attested to by this particular Federal Reserve Bank branch about what the reality is in the banking system in the United States, that is, what is really going on with the country's supposedly constitutionally protected monetary system that is violating and defrauding more people out of their property, their inheritances, and their futures, not only for themselves, but for their children, and their future generations of posterity.

To get a thorough review of just some of the truths covered by what is revealed in this book for the first time, certain statements have been underlined in red or highlighted in yellow for you to focus on for your own understanding and knowledge.

The pages that have been underlined or highlighted are:

 Pages 8, 9, 14, and 18.

The underlining on page 14 exposes the truth about the Internal Revenue Service (the chief collection arm for the Federal Reserve System) and the Internal Revenue Service's claim that it is not really an agency of the United States, for according to the Federal Reserve Banks, who should know, the Internal Revenue Service is an agency of the United States (or federal) government.  This piece of new evidence exposes another fraud being staged to protect the biggest collecting arm for these illegal proceedings on the heels of a case where the U.S. attorney, acting to represent the Internal Revenue Service in a case where it was being sued, swore before the court that the "Service" was not an agency of the United States at all.  This so-called legal revelation prevented the Internal Revenue Service from being successfully sued to the extent of holding the United States itself accountable and responsible for the offenses or violations that it was guilty of or had committed against those suing said Internal Revenue Service.

Pages 8 and 9, in the actual book itself, are seen side by side, and a very important part of what is there is better understood when taking the two pages together.  Page 18's information reasserts the discovery on pages 8 and 9, and states the matter precisely as it is.  Only if you are unable or unwilling to accept the truth of what is being exposed here will the specially underlined words of this book not have an impact and influence on your life from here on.

The information that has been emphasized in the book will need to be explained more thoroughly, and will be given in-depth explanation here at a later date, by an "Explanation Book 1" link that will be placed here just for that purpose.   Until then, read and assess the material as underlined or highlighted.   At the proper time, soon, the breakdown in meaning will be provided, and it will all begin to make complete sense.

Click below to enter in and access the pages of this marvelous book, the original edition now contained in a locked steel security vault, surrounded by armed guards, for its own protection, and your future.